Sometimes to save time and other efforts related to website content, website owners often think of posting some duplicate content on their own. We all know that website is a mirror of our business. So, how your business can be duplicate of others? Obviously, there will be some little minor changes in your as well as competitor’s business.

Hence, posting duplicate content means you are using the scrap material of someone else on your website. Now this may give some bad impressions like the ability to express your own ability or lack of resources or whatever the thing may be.

The main thing is some people are really unaware about the fact that duplicate content is actually hitting their own image. To throw some lime light on this topic, we are here to share some things about Duplicate content so that knowingly or un knowingly whosoever has a habit of using it , must actually stop that as it is just going to result in loss and nothing else.

What is Duplicate Content & How it Works?

Will Google ever be able to recognize the duplicate content and if yes then what it does with it? Is duplicate content really penalized by Google or it is just ignored. Let’s discover the uncovered mysteries of duplicate content.

So, you think you have saved much of your efforts by using a replication of someone else content on your website. But is this really true? No, instead you are doubling your work along with interest say worries.

When it comes to replication of the content, then first of all a fear is created about hackers that using certain content one may easily take your information. SEO experts who target websites and try to bring them down mostly are involved in such practices.

Talking about Google’s behaviour with Duplicate content when caught by the search algorithms, the main thing is one rank cannot be assigned to two similar websites having similar content. So, when such duplicate contents are found then Google gives rank to only one page and that too the original one as determined by their factors.

For instance, if your website includes more back links and social authority as compared to the one using duplicate content then your website is likely to get more ranks as compared to the duplicated ones.

How Duplicate Content can be Your Enemy?

As discussed, Google will rank only one page in case any duplicate content is found. So, this clearly suggests that duplication must be strictly avoided. A similar article on the web creates rivalry between the two sites and so only one can stay ahead in the competition.

So, in case you still have duplicate content on your website then you are own competitor as only one page out of many will get ranked and links to non ranked pages will be useless. Hence, kindly remove the duplicate content on immediate bases to stay away from such malicious intent as well as get proper rankings from giant search engines like Google.


Nothing is permanent, everything keeps on updating and your website content should avoiding the duplicate ones. To get some better guidance regarding your website content and how it affects your rankings, be connected with one of the Adelaide based reputed SEO Agencies -Platinum SEO