Designing a website for your business is of no use if your website do not have any incoming traffic. Since maximum users of the internet utilize search engines like Google in order to try and find the information they want, SEO has emerged as one of the most popular strategies for the owners of the website in order to direct visitors to their web sites.
Before the numerous algorithm updates were released by Google, beginning from 2011, according to SEO Experts Melbourne majority of the website owners has started using tactics like keyword stuffing, link spamming and content duplication to increase the rankings of their website on the search engine’s result page.
As the updates of Penguin, Panda and now of Hummingbird algorithm has been released, Google has altered Search Engine Optimization to a large extent.

Methods to Tackle SEO this Year
Although Google has changed the entire essence of SEO with the release of its algorithm changes, it will be very early to believe that search engine optimization is dead. In fact, in the present times, the owners of websites are required to plan their strategies of SEO with great expertise and care in order to get rewarded by having increased profitability and sales.
Content is the King of SEO
If anybody was thinking that the content present on the web will always be the king, the updates released by Google have erased this thinking permanently. Instead of using black hat techniques in order to increase your rankings, it is now necessary to use good strategies of content creation to increase the ranking of your website. SEO Experts Melbourne states that your content should be unique and must be relevant. It is also necessary for your content to aim at your audience which are targeted. Your website should be easily navigable and the content must be easy to read and find. Google will no more tolerate the technique of Keyword stuffing, which indicates that you have to create a content which enhances the experience of the user, without exposing them to a large number of advertisements present on your website. If you are able to apply these strategies, then you will stay away from penalties of Google. Also, your website will obtain increased traffic as well as high ranking.
Developing a Mobile SEO Strategy
One of the modern trend of SEO that has emerged this year is the requirement of mobile SEO. More than fifty percent of all searches made on the internet searches are being done on a Smartphone, thus, making it important for website owners to make their website mobile friendly. When the case of mobile friendly websites comes into account, it is just not sufficient to create a site that is accessible through smartphones, mobiles, etc.
Wind up:
According to our Melbourne based SEO Experts at Platinum SEO, you are also required to make sure that the content present in your website is created in such a way so that it can be viewed as well as enjoyed on the small mobile screens and that the SEO strategy you are using to obtain a maximum engagement and reach maximum number of smartphones and mobile device users.