SEO is a very long term process and it also needs lot of hard work. Even after doing hard work, creating website; it’s sometimes difficult to get the right number of visitors. How will you feel if you see your website visited by less number of visitors?
You get worried as to what has gone wrong and why visitors are not coming up to your site and getting transformed into customers? The reason may be improper SEO practices or lack of proper SEO.
But how will you know whether your website is properly SEO optimized or not? Or what changes one need to make to its SEO strategy?

Below we have mentioned some signs that will show there’s a need to revise your SEO strategy:
- Competitors have better search rankings: Let’s say that your competitors are on first page of the search results and your number is on third or fourth page. So, when people search about the services offered by you, it’s obvious they will first move to your competitors.The reason may be you have not used keywords properly or may be the page titles, meta tags and site content are not optimized correctly.You can see higher bounce rates if your website is not optimized properly. It’s necessary to have proper title tags along with meta description. Further, it’s important to refresh the keyword research at least two times in a year.
- Lack of SEO friendly URLS: Related keywords that can provide good rankings must be used in URLs. One can easily edit the permalink via various content management systems like as WordPress.
- Keep only one home page: Yes, there are websites having one or more homepages. To check this you can use Google Webmaster tools and provide the site version that you are using. You can also use WordPress plugins to make redirecting easy.
- Slow Website: A website should get loaded within 3 seconds. If it’s taking more time; it’s time to work on it. A slow website is very rarely visited by people. Check your website’s speed via Google’s Page speed tool that offers you the suggestions to improve your website speed.
- Website contains content copied from other sites: Shortcuts are often used to make the work easier. But, populating the website with copied content is not a good deal. Google has its algorithms that keep a check on the websites that have copied contents.Those websites offering duplicate content are penalized by Google. Also, similar content on several pages of your website also is considered as duplicate and hence you will be in the red eyes of Google.So, try to write professional content for your website. You can hire professional writers for them and ensure that proper keyword research is done before writing the web content. Here, Google Keyword Planner will be useful to you.
- Website lacks a blog: Blog is an important part of any website. If you lack blogs, you are missing almost a huge part of interaction from the customers. Blogs help visitors to get in touch with you.Blog is loved by search engines as it offers fresh content. It can provide you with loyal visitors especially guest bloggers. Google Hummingbird, an algorithm launched by Google in 2013 checks the website and identifies if the website has the proper content what visitors are looking for.So, make sure you create a blog to reach to more number of audiences.
Wind up:
Hope this blog post from Platinum SEO, SEO Company in Sydney will help you to improve your site’s SEO and make it easily visible among search results. If you need more guidance about optimizing your website’s SEO; contact them today.