An effective way of communication in today’s era is social media. In recent years, it has achieved significant growth. It has now become the most preferable method of communication as well as entertainment.
Today, in this blog post from SEO Company Perth, Platinum SEO; we will list some of the social media facts of 2015 which will be very useful in developing an amazing social media strategy in the coming year.
We all know that the usage of digital devices has increased to an extent. Nearly 46% of consumers with a digital device make use of social media for informed purchases. Among the widely used social media networks, the top three are LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
Out of these three, LinkedIn is completely a professional network whereas Twitter is used for both business and personal use while as Facebook is used to stay connected with people around you. Around 60% of marketers say that LinkedIn is very useful and 50% feel the same for Twitter.
While only 30% of business owners consider Facebook as an effective tool for promoting their products and brands or we can say do advertisements. Online marketing can be carried out very effectively with the help of these social media networks.
Among the three, Twitter is considered to be the highest performing online social media platform because brands can get lots of followers. Yes, not for every business this is useful but for those who use it to market their products and services can see its effectiveness.
Online marketers are 400% likely to follow brands on Twitter and if any product is posted on Twitter then 150% more people are likely to buy it just by viewing its tweets. If we look at the audience using social media networks then majority of them are women showing 71% usage rate as compared to that of men with only 62% usage rate.

So, keeping in mind all these information; we have gathered some of the factors which help you to have a deep insight on the social media networks and how it had been in 2015. These facts will help you to develop a perfect digital marketing strategy that can boost your business.
Social Media Facts 2015:
- Twitter: Today, the numbers of twitter users have increased to 300 million and on an average 500million tweets are sent per day. 77% active users are outside United States. Nearly 88% of users prefer to use twitter from their mobile devices via Twitter app.
More than 60% users want to get a response in just two hours or less. So, if you have customers giving feedback about any product or service then do take time to reply them very soon. The maximum time limit is 2 hours.
- Facebook: Yet another social media network which is widely popular among users is Facebook. As per the statistics, it had 39 million users till 31st Dec 2014 who use this social network every month.
Within 60 seconds, nearly 500+ comments are posted. 2, 93,000 statuses are updated and more than 1 lakh photographs are posted.
Videos on Facebook get more likes, shares and comments as compared to that of normal images and status updates. It gets 7 times more comments as compared to that of normal status.
More people get engaged by attractive photos. 45% of account holders get badly affected if they don’t use Facebook and 23% of users check their account almost five times in a day. It has the ability to get more referrals as compared to any other platform.
- LinkedIn: The most important thing about this social media network is Groups play here an important role. At present, LinkedIn has 1.5 million groups. 27% users use mobile device to access their LinkedIn accounts.
It has 3 million plus company pages, 50% users are graduates more than 40% B2B marketers get customers via LinkedIn. Every second, two members are added on LinkedIn and less than 30% users of LinkedIn are between the ages 18 -30.
- Instagram: It has 16 billion + photos available. A single user has about 40 photos. Among all the brands available, MTV is the most followed one having 1.2 million followers. On an average1000 comments are posted per second. It gets traffic of 5 million photos per day.
- Google+: It has 359 million regular monthly active users with 1 billion plus Google accounts and this figure keeps on increasing by 33% every year. 18% of marketers use Google for marketing purpose.
- Pinterest: This social media network has 69% of female users out of which only 6% are connected to Facebook. Mainly food is discussed here the most and out of total pins, 80% of them are re-pins. Every pin on pinterest is worth 78 cents.
Such facts prove that social media is slowly gaining more and more popularity and now it is one of the primary methods of getting engaged online with actual customers. However, social media is not actually a tool that can help you to boost rankings but it can help you to develop trust and authority.
Several tests have been conducted to check whether social media helps to boost rankings on Google or not and every test has given negative results. This means Social media and Google are not interrelated.
Wind Up:
These social media facts will help you to develop an amazing online marketing strategy for the coming New Year. Stay connected with us for more such useful information about social media as well as other online marketing techniques.
You can also get in touch with our experts if you wish to get result oriented online marketing strategy developed for your business.