In 2015, April; Google had launched its mobile algorithm through which websites were tested and ranked based on their mobile compatibility. Before this launch, Google had informed about this update and so business owners had a good chance to redesign their websites and attain higher rankings.
Now, there are news about Google’s new Phantom update that was applied in the beginning of May 2015. Phantom update was the name as Google didn’t give any previous warning or notification about this new algorithm launch.

All about Google Phantom:
This new update focuses more on quality. It is sometimes very difficult to identify the way Google assesses the quality. The main aim of Google is to provide top quality information to its readers and so it stretches more on quality.
One can easily be in the eyes of Google if one has developed quality content or websites. This will help to get more rankings as well as maximum traffic to the website. In order to maintain the information quality, previously Google had launched Panda algorithm update.
Some of the things that one must know about this new Phantom update:
Always keep in mind that Google updates its algorithm on regular intervals so that it can offer latest qualitative articles to the searchers and hence in order to maintain the quality, Google keeps on introducing new algorithms.
So, if you are one of those producing quality content on regular basis then you are safe because no Google algorithm will affect instead you will get more rankings keeping in mind your quality. Yes, if you face some down ranking in the search results then it’s time to redefine your On Page SEO.
Or if you are one of those who need to understand the Google’s quality standards then here are some checkpoints that will guide you to identify whether your quality is up to the mark or not. So, let’s consider some of these:
Google’s Quality Check points:
- Avoid using duplicate contents or contents having redundancy.
- Avoid creating thin content
- Keep in mind to produce content that is liked by the audience.
- Provide trustworthy content without any errors
- Give relevant information to the people about any particular subject or topic.
As a content creator, one must keep in mind these things before actually taking the project. In case Google found your content of low quality then it can demote the rankings and then the traffic can reduce to somewhat extent.
So, always create trust by publishing new article and get it crawled within minutes in order to have rankings in the search as well.
Wind up:
If you are the one who is constantly offering good quality content to its users then your content can easily get crawled as Google is in constant search of fresh, original content that adds value to the search engines.
So, next time make sure that you get your content checked via Google Penalty checker and then publish it so as to avoid any issues in future. For more assistance regarding proper content marketing, get in touch with Platinum SEO; SEO Experts in Melbourne.