Nowdays, video content views have been increased. Today, video content is widely popular among modern day consumers. Video advertising has become very popular marketing medium during the past few years.
According to a recent report; YouTube has more than 1 billion users who spent millions of hours watching videos on this platform. We all know that YouTube is considered as the most popular place to influence video advertising.
One of the researches shows that a video is likely to be clicked more number of times as compared to a normal display ad banner. If you know anything from a normal click through rate of display advertising then it’s a number which is sure to increase the marketing rate.
YouTube ad campaigns are usually managed via Adwords Dashboard where one has lots of targeting options available. No, here we are not giving you a complete overview of YouTube ad practices or a breakdown of various targeting methods that are available to you.
Native Advertising:
Several popular advertisers showcase their ads in a way which is relevant to their target audience. An ad must not appear like an ad and hence that ad will have a greater impact. This is the real concept of native advertising.
This means the content must be promoted in the same form and with the same function as the user experiences them at the time you reach them. YouTube video advertising is an ideal way to influence the concept of native advertising.
An advertiser can easily have the opportunity to get relevant traffic in a particular way that doesn’t disturb their browsing experience. The video is very much aligned with what the customer was looking for and the company can have the opportunity to offer their specific brand by linking to relevant pages on their websites.
In Stream vs. In Display:
Mainly there are two ad formats that can be used for YouTube Ad Campaigns: In Stream and In Display. With in-stream ad campaigns; the ad is certified to show an overlay above the playing video or we can say a video introduction to another video.

Using in display ad format; the ad will primarily be displayed in the YouTube search results like a text ad seen in traditional Adwords campaign. Greater success can be achieved with in-display campaigns.
We can say that audience can be easily targeted with these primary methods:
- Demographics
- Interests
- Remarketing audiences
- Topics
- Placements
- Keywords
Based on the data from client video campaigns, we can say that keyword targeting offers the best results. Furthermore, keyword targeting would offer us a lot of control over the ads when they are ready to be displayed.
Depending on your niche as well as target audience, keywords are to be selected accordingly. Let’s say if you are an internet marketing firm then these keywords can help you a lot:
- Online marketing
- Pay per click advertising
- Adwords tutorials
- Increasing website traffic
- Conversion optimization
- Adwords for beginners.
- Small business advertising
- Remarketing with Adwords
But if you use keywords and phrase match then where is the exact difference? The difference lies in using keywords perfectly as phrase matches. Hence, whenever you launch an online marketing campaign; kindly use only “Phrase match Keyword types”.
Wind Up:
So, next time if you wish to make your YouTube video successful then make sure to use keywords and phrase matches exactly in the way to boost your YouTube video.
Hope this blog post will be useful to you for making your online videos a success. For more such updates, stay tuned with Platinum SEO; a well known SEO Company in Adelaide.