Be it small or a big business, having a well-designed website is extremely important for your business. Small businesses don’t invest much on their website and are left with outdated designs. Keeping an outdated design in your website can really create a negative impression on customers or website visitors. It can directly impact your website hits, marketing and sales. In such circumstances, it becomes important to revamp your website but the question is when to know that this is the right time to start redesigning your website. Below are some of the easy tips to do so.

Does it work on a mobile device (Responsive)?

A responsive design ensures that your website works flawlessly and with the evolution of mobiles, around 50% of total website traffic is coming from mobile phone devices. If your website is not doing well then you need to ensure that it reaches the potential customers. Adaptive mobile website is not an expensive investment as one can hire SEO Company Melbourne like Platinum SEO services to get it done and upgrade to response design.


Is your website secure?

According to various recent reports, it’s been found that more than 30,000 websites get hacked everyday so your website has a high possible risk of getting hacked. You must be aware about the security features in your website by mentioning security guarantee in the network. Contact SEO Company Melbourne and get a security audit on your website.

Does it look outdated and less updated?

Older non-updated websites seem to reflect directly on your sale or business. Your website represents online business and business in real world. It must be updated regularly with the use of technologies such as improved HTML5 and responsive design. Get an updated website by modifying business information, about us, contact pages, forms, quotes and other relevant information on your website.

Do you communicate with your customers?

Your website must be designed in a manner that visitors can be tracked and feedback can be done with the use of simpler contact forms.

Are you using Google Analytics?

If you really want to collect the entire website design related website then you will need to start using Google Analytics as it can provide veritable wealth of information. It can drill down all key statistics and weaknesses of your website in detailed manner. Accordingly you can learn from Google analytics and create a long lasting website in detail.

Is your website accessible on Social Media?

Advertising your website is extremely important next step to make your website popular and get required business. Social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have larger reach to large section of people online. Therefore you need to ensure that your website reaches on social media effectively and utilize its services in an efficient manner.


Taking right decisions and revamping your website is extremely important to stay competitive in this ever changing tough business environment. In order to get all the necessary tweaks done effectively in your website, you can use professional SEO Company Melbourne like Platinum SEO Services to revamp your website.