To master the art of getting well known on various social media sites; it is necessary to follow some rules. Business owners are really busy in running their companies and hence it is very difficult to spend time and understand the entire process of how social media works and what helps you to get more followers.
It really takes lot of time to identify who to follow, what to post, what to retweet and on what to reply to. What the target market should be and much more? The main target is social media marketers.
Social media marketers are properly aware about the bunch of people who can be great followers and there are people who if follow you can be of great help. However, among the followers there are many fake followers, spammers and all those who are not your true followers.

Factors to be borne in mind while following people on twitter:
- Want to follow active people: Are you thinking to follow people who actively tweet messages on twitter. In case they are not active you may not get what you want by following them.With Twitter, you must keep in mind the ratio of followers to following which can be 2.5:1. You may get many people whom you are following and very less of those that follow you. Hence, it is necessary to remove the inactive ones.
Check how long are they on twitter? There are many people on twitter who have joined recently and have less number of followers. Yes, these must be followed. On the other hand, there are people who have been for a long period of time on twitter but still have less number of followers; these must not be followed. This means you are not going to get more benefit by following them.
- What’s their content all about? Those whom you are following must be active in your industry and their content must be relevant to what you need as well as must match your interests.However, there are some people who belong to your industry but they just post something related to the religion or politics. Hence, think twice before following them as you may want to know what they think about and what sort of information they are interested the most.
- How many followers do they have? Those whom you are following must also have some followers. In case they lack some followers or we can say quality people following them then it might be considered as the waste of time to follow them. It is necessary to know your followers.
- Check whether your followers have any other account or not: Yes, at times you may find yourself following such people who have one or more twitter accounts. One may be for their personal use and another for their professional usage.Try to find whether they have any other twitter account or not, see if they are possessing any dual twitter personality or not.
- Always follow industry influencers: Your industry may contain many industry influencers and these can definitely help you to advance your business. These influencers may have plenty of followers. So just ensure that these followers retweet your content.This shows that you constantly stay updated with the latest industry trends but you wish to get noticed as well as your content must be displayed during relevant times.
Wind Up:
So, next time if you wish to follow people on twitter just for the sake that it helps you to advance your business then don’t forget to follow these rules. For more such updates, stay connected with Platinum SEO; one of the well known providers of affordable SEO Packages Melbourne.