We sometimes feel that we know everything about On Page SEO and that our website’s On Page SEO is very perfect. But at times we forget that SEO is an ongoing field and so it has constant updates. Hence, it’s necessary to keep reading the SEO news, blogs that provide regular updates like this one so that we are aware about what’s new in the industry.

Cross Check Your On Page SEO with these tips:
- Title Tags and Page Meta Description: Title tags must contain maximum 60 characters and meta descriptions must have maximum 160 characters in all. The main keyword must be included in both if possible and the description should attract the visitors.
- Make Proper use of Keywords: Avoid stuffing your web pages with keywords instead learn to use the keywords in proper manner. This means the main keyword must have the density between 1-3 %.
- Image ALT tags: All the image Alt tags must be used in a proper manner and this will help you to get your images indexed in Google images and generate more traffic.
- Use internal Linking: Make sure to link relevant and useful content within the web pages itself and it’s even more preferable to use keyword anchor text. This proves to Google that you worry about the visitors and you actually want them to give the relevant information.
- Mobile optimized website is important: Now, this is not voluntary but mandatory. Failing to do this can lead you into the pit of huge penalties. Mobile traffic on any website is more than 50% and so make haste; try to get your website mobile optimized as soon as possible if you still have not done this.
- Quick Page Loads:You know why Google chrome is more popular as compared to other browsers, Reason: it’s faster as compared to others and so people like me really love to use it. I and people like me are great fans of Google Chrome.So, just think if your website loads as speedily as Google chrome then definitely we will be the fans of your website too and will love to visit it again. But yes, along with speed it must have the necessary information useful to the visitors.
- Describe your Business Policies properly: A perfect privacy policy, contact us page, terms and conditions shows Google that you are really doing some business and serious about it. It creates the trust that you are not the fake one.Along with this, it also helps you to boost your rankings in Google results. So, try to mention everything clearly.
Wind up:
Make sure that you follow these tips and edit things to make your On Page SEO perfect. In case you need any guidance about improving your On Page then get in touch with Platinum SEO, SEO Company in Adelaide.