If we closely look at the search results for several shopping queries, most of these have results that redirect to the category page of any eCommerce sites. Let’s say: If you type “Electric Stove” in the search bar then Google will reveal following results:

Properly optimized category pages can rank for all sorts of keyword variations as Google considers that your category has the relevant items that perfectly match the search query and here’s the big jack where your entire SEO efforts can actually give you proper results.
Apart from having SEO Friendly URL structure, things like breadcrumbs, proper keyword use and category page optimization are necessary to get your category page among the top results. Here are some tips that will help you to advance your Category Page.
Let’s discover what they are:
- Quick Look: Certain eCommerce websites have an option called “Quick View” or “Quick Look”. This is one of the important parts when it comes to category page optimization. The reason is using Quick Look will make it easy for search engines to read the content easily in modal windows that provide detailed information about the products. In short, Quick Look offers the entire product information in a nutshell.Make use of Javascript for this Quick Look and for other varying information like Price, product availability; make use of AJAX. The content used in Quick Look must be between 50 -150 words and internal linking should not include more than 5 links.
- Add Content relevant to Category: Generally, if you take a look at category pages then the content is either above the product results or at the bottom of the page where it has less SEO value.Instead of adding the content at the top or bottom of the content, we can use JavaScript sliders to either show or hide the content on the front end. We can also make use of tabbed navigation as these can support longer contents as well as are good from SEO point of view.
- Highlight the User generated Content: In order to advance the SEO of any category page, one can include the product reviews or even forum posts along with the product description.If the category page uses pagination then reviews must appear on the index page and must not be repeated on other pages.
Wind up:
Focusing on these three important points can help you to optimize the SEO of category pages in effective manner. With this blog post, you can easily increase the chances of getting your category pages visible in top search results.
For any further assistance regarding SEO for eCommerce sites, it’s advisable to get connected with Platinum SEO, SEO Company Adelaide where losers are made leaders in the industry.