Hash tags, a well known term used in social media marketing. Sometimes, I wonder what exactly they are and what differences will it make if they are not used. Previously, hash tags were used only on twitter now they are seen on Facebook as well.
Let’s understand what these tags actually are and how they are useful?
People use hash tag before a relevant keyword or phrase on tweets with a view to classify them and show them separately and easily in twitter search results. If that particular hash tag word is clicked then all other tweets related to that word are displayed.
Hash tags are the most effective elements of social media strategy. Few things must be kept in mind while using these hash tags in the social media strategy.
- ResearchHash tags must always be new and they must not be used anywhere else. Avoid using hash tags on LinkedIn. Various platforms support the use of hash tags and so it’s important to know the ones that support these tags and then use them properly.
As per our knowledge, hash tags are supported by these platforms:
- Google+
- Tumblr
And its creator, TwitterEmails, LinkedIn don’t support hash tags.
- Develop appropriate Hash tagsHash tags must be easy to remember in such a way that they can be easily found in search and can be used whenever needed. Refrain creating hash tags that are hard to recall and those that hardly one would search for.Keep hash tags as short as possible. Long tags are mostly ignored. For example: #partytime is the suitable hash tag where as #partytimewithfriendsatbeach doesn’t serve the purpose.It is recommended to avoid commonly used hash tags if one wants to create brand awareness. For instance, #Style Clothes is the common tag while as for brand awareness one must use hash tag like # Radium Style Clothes. This will make people aware about the brand called Radium.
Such unique hash tags must be used when developing a social media marketing strategy for creating brand awareness.
- Check the performanceIf people are using hash tags and converse with you then assume that hash tags are working fine and that these hash tags will help you create a trend resulting into increase in traffic.Whatever brand you wish to spread a word about, just use it followed by the hash tag (# brand name) and see the magic. You will love to see that people are following you, interacting with you on those social media sites.A simple yet amazing symbol on the keyboard known as # can be utilized to create huge crowd of brand followers. Simple yet amazing!
Wind Up
To study the use of hash tags in depth in order to get maximize traffic, follow us on #PlatinumSEOServices and get in touch with our experts to know about best SEO packages offered.