Web Design is dependent on many things such as hardware technology, software technology and many other cultural changes. Today, we can see that the entire look of websites has changed.
Today, everybody is found surfing internet via their small pocket mobile devices as well as tablets. This led to the demand of responsive web design however do you think there’ll be any major changes in the future?

After mobile devices now is the turn for wearable devices. We can see wearable have transformed the ways people are using these electronic gadgets and these are more app centric.
There are several numbers of experts in web, mobile as well as web design to identify the views in the direction they believe websites will take in coming future. Different experts have different opinions for the future of web design.
So, let’s take a look at the views of some experts regarding Web Design Future:
- DrumRoll Art Director Mike Mitra: According to Mitra; Web Design now is mostly viewed in devices like Mobile phones. At present, Responsive web design is the best practice.
Later on; there will be some changes in web design practices that will be known from the device itself on which these are viewed the most. At present, we can see increase in the demand for virtual reality.
Slowly, wearable devices are increasing and experts are now rethinking as to how media can be used on television. The outputs of these three will determine the future scope and direction of web design.
- Another Expert Lyle Jenks: Well, different people have different views. So as per this expert, devices have a huge impact on web design trends. In order to develop responsive websites, creative and development teams have to make joint efforts and become aware about the common points.
There are several older devices that force development teams to avoid innovative functionality as they are aware that most of the users will be unable to experience it. The day when older devices will be out from the market we will be able to see more of interactive and innovative web designs.
Further, enormous ways are available that help to have proper content in a perfect manner. There are various pages that can be viewed easily across all the devices and these can even offer an app like experience.
This time will change soon as the segmentation across all the devices as well as browser type and screen size get more complicated and the modular solution keeps the user experience at point.
We all are aware that web applications are the future of web design. It is a great way to offer user the feeling of an application that is available on the website. This serves the purpose for both the parties.
Users will never have to download anything from any of their devices may be mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop. Further, developers don’t have to spend more time developing native apps for iOs as well as Android along with a website.
Take Away:
So, make sure to develop websites that can run on any device and be ready to adapt to the upcoming trends which will be based on developing websites for various devices along with wearable ones.
So, next time you think of responsive design; keep in mind that changes will take place as lots and lots of transformations are yet to take place in the web design industry.
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